

The Holy Eucharist is more than a "supper." Under the guidance and inspiration of our Lord Jesus Christ, it has expanded from its simple beginnings to serve an ever-widening circle of humanity. It has always been the central act of worship from the origin of Christianity. Designed to help those who participate in it.

Worship has a threefold aspect and purpose. First, it is the offering of "adoration," that is, praise and honor, to Almighty God. Second, it is intended to help the worshipers. And third, and most important of all, it is intended to help the surrounding world at large, through the instrument of the worshipers, by pouring out upon it, great spiritual power. We feel and know, that it is good for us to lift up our hearts in praise in order to unite ourselves more completely with the divine will.

Comunidad Anglicana Liberal | Liberal Anglican Community
Capilla del Monte, Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina. 
WhatsApp: +54 9 3548 466 426
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